Is she one of the sexiest girls on Instagram? - TrikoBlu

Alexa Pearl is a model, Premium Snapchat Girl, and official Ganja Girl, who has gained popularity due to her amazing, sexy figure and her love for the green herb. Looks like Barbie, smells like Marley.
Models, yeah.
That's just about every guy out there's fantasy: dating a model. They're everywhere we look, all around us: newspaper and magazine ads, television commercials, even in the movies. Models are, in many ways, the very picture of feminine beauty personified in nearly every culture around the world.
But how exactly do you get a date with a model?
The fact is, most guys, when they run into a girl they find out models, tend to panic a bit and freeze up. "Oh no," they think, "what do I do? What do I say?" Something tumbles out of their mouths, but isn't quite as smooth as what they'd hoped it would be, and they end up tripping over their own two feet talking to this beautiful girl with her prestigious career.
She leaves.
They sulk.
If this sounds at all familiar, well, don't worry, because it used to happen to me too. It doesn't anymore, and when I meet models these days they even tend to get rather excited about me. And helping you learn how to date models, too, is what I aim to do here today.
  • Acting impressed. This one's pretty much instant death for attraction if you do it: acting impressed or wowed or amazed by a girl's status as a model (or pretty much anything she says or does). A man coming across as impressed tells a girl that he's outside her circle; he isn't in the know; he's the complete opposite of an insider. And instantly, she feels this gulf between the two of them that's going to be next to impossible to bridge. Acting impressed is the biggest no-no there is when meeting models.
  • Asking the wrong questions. This is another sign of an outsider. You're usually going to know a question's wrong if you're paying attention; if it feels clunky or unwieldy or not particularly savvy at all, it probably isn't a good question. So a question like, "Oh. How do you like being a model?" while seeming quite innocent can quite quickly communicate that, just like the guy's who's impressed, you don't actually know the first thing about models. Avoid clunky questions.
  • Returning to the topic. This is one of the mistakes I made with that girl who danced for BeyoncĂ© mentioned above. When you return to a topic, a woman knows it's on your mind and she knows you're impressed. Even if you acted nonplussed initially, if you bring it up again later she knows it's a big deal to you. Once the subject of her being a model has been moved off of, it's important that you don't bring it up again – and don't get too excited about the topic if she does.
  • Treating her like a celebrity. Really, celebrities don't like getting treated like celebrities (some of them like the attention, true, but they don't want to be treated that way by someone they're going to bed with). And the fact is... most models are not celebrities! This simple truth helped me a great deal back in the day – just because she's been in a modeling show or landed a spread in a magazine doesn't mean she's a superstar. She probably still has a day job to pay the bills and this is merely how she brings some sense of adventure or status or prestige to her life. It's how she chooses to identify herself, rather than what she actually is all the time, so people see her as more than just an average pretty girl.
  • In other words, it's cool that she models... but she isn't really a celebrity. And if you treat her as such, she'll know you fell for her ruse – and she'll know you don't really get it. You can't treat women like celebrities (even if they are), or you're instantly an outsider. You must treat a girl, no matter what her background or profession, like she's still just a girl.
When I was 23 years old and fresh out of college, I moved down to Washington, DC and continued the push I'd made during my last year of school to get out a lot and master the skills I'd need to do well with women. I hit bars, nightclubs, bookstores, and the street 3 to 4 days a week, almost to the point of exhaustion while trying to balance a full-time job and hitting the gym pretty religiously.
One night not long after I'd moved to DC, I met a beautiful girl who very soon after meeting me told me she danced in a video for BeyoncĂ©, the famous pop singer who was all over the airwaves then. I panicked internally a little bit; "Okay, stay cool," I thought to myself, "you don't want to mess this up by acting too impressed or anything. Just be cool."
The thing was, she seemed like she kind of liked me. But I didn't really know what else to do; I was stuck. She introduced me to another pretty girl, whom she said was her manager. That girl didn't seem as impressed with me as she was, so I quickly switched back to the dancer.
"So, how many videos have you been in?" I asked her.
"Just one so far, but I'm trying out for others," she told me. I didn't know what else to say, and her friend/manager soon dragged her off to another part of the bar.
I'd inadvertently made some of the mistakes men commonly meet upon first meeting models, dancers, flight attendants – or any woman (or person) in a position of prestige in general.
And those goofs, no matter how small they might seem at first, will hang you out to dry if you're not careful.
If you want to date a model, you're going to want to curtail the following mistakes:
You might notice the common thread linking all of those points together is that you want to avoid "acting like an outsider" at all costs. The man who knows how to date a model knows that models, just like every other human being on the planet, want to be with people who understand them; not with people who are amazed by them and treat them like princesses or porcelain dolls.
To succeed with models, as with all women, you must learn to relate to them as people. But not just as any old people; rather, as people that you "get;" people that you already comprehend. That's how you win people over fast, and that's how you show that girl who's a model that you're the kind of guy she could end up with.


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